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Monday, September 20, 2010

a reminder to ALL parents...

1. I will accept the talents, strengths and weaknesses of each of my children.

2. I will acknowledge that they need to go through challenges and complex situations on their own and to learn from failures.

3. I will not berate them and make them feel less valuable based on how they perform because I do not want to cause undue stress, anxiety, or resentment towards me or their activity.

4. I will let them know I am proud of them no matter what.

5. I will guide them and show them how to be better at their activity but in a manner that does not make them feel worthless.

6. I will be sensitive to my children's developing need for praise and sympathy and will limit my criticism to really important mistakes because I want them accept success with humility and defeat with determination to do better.

7. I will not mention, beyond a casual reference, the successes of other children and will definitely not use another child’s success as a barometer for my child.

8. I will be a good spectator at athletic contests and not hound on what I perceive as a missed call by a referee or coach because I do not want my child to see my participation as an embarrassment.

9. I will teach my children sportsmanlike behavior and to not laugh at or taunt another less skilled child or teammate.

10. I will make sure I always have my own adult hobby or activity to enjoy and love so I don’t have to live vicariously through my child.


Tiffany said...

Good one momma! I need to print that one and tack it to my bulletin board.

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Great and important reminders for us to all to think about!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. I hope all parents read your blog.
I love it.


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Lovely post! I am not a parent yet but I can imagine these things are good to remember ;)

LeAnne@Hairs My Story Team said...

Right oh, right oh.

Together We Save said...

Nicely stated!

No Model Lady said...

I love this!! So true! Oh, and I'm in NC, or we would totally me mom friends:)

jozen said...

loev this! thanks for the reminder :)